Women of Temple Beth Torah
Upcoming Events
Rosh Chodesh will take place virtually on the following five Mondays at 7:00pm.
September 9
December 2
January 6
February 1
March 3
WTBT Registration - Join or Renew
This link only collects your registration details, but membership payment must be a separate transaction. You can either pay in the office by check or cash, by mail, or online via Paypal (IF you have an account) to womentbt@gmail.com. For general information about WTBT, please email wtbt@bethtorah-fremont.org.
Join with the Women of TBT to meet and socialize with your fellow TBT women to laugh, to learn and to make an impact in our world.
Our mission statement: “Women of Temple Beth Torah, an affiliate of Temple Beth Torah, is a community of multi generational women dedicated to family, synagogue, and community. We strive to promote education, spirituality and socialization for our members and the community.”
WTBT 2024-2025 Board Officers:
Co-Presidents: Jackie Bazley & Edith Caplan
Secretary: Judy Waltz
Treasurer: Monique Bradley
VP Membership: Verrona Gore
VP Ways and Means: Stephanie Kubina
Immediate Past President: Judy Waltz
VP Programming: OPEN
WTBT 2024-2025 Committees:
Community Support: Janine Charlton, Janice Fonteno, & Karen Bresler
Education: OPEN
Friendship: Marla Zarrow
Historian: OPEN
Kitchen: Arlynn Peavey
MarCom: Martha Garcia
2024-2025 Event Chairs:
Spirituality: Cheryl Cohen
Hamantaschen Baking: OPEN
High Holiday Greeting: Leslie Strauss