Jewish Resources

The URJ supports nearly 900 member congregations in their efforts to enrich and energize worship, deepen Jewish learning, pursue social justice, nurture strong leaders, and expand community, both within the synagogue and beyond.

The JCRC mobilizes the Jewish community on critical issues, and amplifies its voice in the public sphere. We are here to support the Jewish community including issues that arise in our schools.

Working for the full equality and inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Jews in Jewish life

Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley empowers individuals and families facing life’s challenges by providing quality human services inspired by Jewish values.

Hebrew Free Loans provides interest-free loans to help Jewish individuals in Northern California overcome financial challenges and pursue life dreams.

The Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund is a philanthropic catalyst, connecting Bay Area Jews – of all ages, backgrounds, and perspectives – to the power we have as a community to improve the world.

Sinai Memorial Chapel Chevra Kadisha is the pre-eminent provider of Jewish funeral and burial services to the entire Jewish community of the San Francisco Bay Area.

The Jewish Federations of North America are mobilizing a communal response to the situation in Israel. As the Zionist wing of the Reform Movement, ARZA supports this united effort of the organized Jewish community.

Jewish Family & Child Services
JFCS/East Bay provides compassionate, professional, reliable, and personalized home care services at extremely competitive rates. We offer flexible schedules available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Shalom Bayit is Northern California’s first and only Jewish agency dedicated solely to ending domestic violence in the Jewish community. Helpline: (866) 742-5667 (SHALOM-7) toll free within the Bay Area.