A Word from Rabbi Schulman - 4/23/21
The facts of climate change are, to me, incontrovertible. We are facing a global crisis that impacts all of our lives. Future generations will confront even worsening conditions around the world.
In a Rosh Hashanah sermon three years ago, I tried to articulate how we address climate change. I identified five stages of climate grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. In addition, I proposed a sixth stage, that of taking action for dispelling the negative feelings we have about our changing climate.
Each of us can reduce our carbon footprint through individual action. Yet far more systemic change is needed.
Yesterday, on Earth Day, I learned of a new Jewish organization called Dayenu. Its mission is to “secure a livable and sustainable world for all people for generations to come by building a multi-generational Jewish movement that confronts the climate crisis with spiritual audacity and bold political action.”
Guided by Jewish values, Dayenu’s priorities align with my own. It addresses climate change by identifying issues of public policy while providing resources for local Dayenu groups to take action.
Climate change is the central issue of our time. I encourage you to explore Dayenu’s website and see whether it speaks to you about how to transcend our anxiety and channel it toward effective action.