A Word from Rabbi Schulman - 2/12/21
As everyone should know by now, Purim is not a holiday celebrated for one day at Temple Beth Torah. For us, Purim is an entire season.
For a fact, some folks began preparing for Purim last month. For weeks, the Sunday morning Torah Study group has been exploring the Book of Esther and uncovering all kinds of fascinating insights in the story.
This evening marks the 1st of Adar, the month when Purim occurs. During our Shabbat Service, Morah Marla will offer a D’var Torah that reminds us that “those who mark the beginning of Adar increase joy in the world.”
What would Purim be without hamantaschen? Next week, Rabbi Eve and Rebecca Schulman will be baking hamantaschen filled delicious sweets. Be sure to place your order online for fresh-baked Hamantaschen no later than next Monday, February 15.
And there will be something new for Purim this year! On Sunday, 2/21, we will have a Purim "CAR"-nival starting at 12:30pm. Each car will receive sign making kits, bingo cards, and graggers, and be instructed to back into a parking space facing the center to watch and participate in all activities in a safe, socially distanced manner. Be sure to see yesterday's weekly for more details.
Lastly, we will celebrate Purim on the 14th of Adar, corresponding to Thursday night, February 25. There will be singing and imbibing (safely at home) AND there will be a virtual shpiel entitled Pandemic in Persia.
There will be many occasions for rejoicing in the coming weeks. Wishing you Chag Purim Sameach!