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A Word from Rabbi Schulman - 4/24/2020

The other night Marla Kolman Antebi and I got together with a number of TBT teens. During our Zoom time, we were eager to hear how they are coping during the pandemic. Remarkably well, I’m pleased to say. They are certainly dealing with challenges. Siblings who do not get along even in the best of times are more likely to be in conflict due to sheltering-in-place. They are trying to keep-up with schoolwork, stay in touch with friends, and deal with parents who are often stressed-out. However, on the whole, these teens are coping in a variety of ways. First and foremost, they are showing discipline. Many have a schedule of when they go to bed and when they wake up. For teens to choose to arise as early as 6:30am to get a good start on the day – now that’s impressive. They are responsive to invitations to be with their parents for Family Time. It may be watching a tv show or a movie; eating dinner together; or gardening in the backyard. They are finding ways to take themselves out of the moment by creating art; listening to music; and by writing. In the midst of this very difficult period in everyone’s lives, it’s uplifting to see teenagers doing as well as they are. Their resilience is wonderful.

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