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A Word from Rabbi Schulman - 10/25/19

The High Holy Days are a time for deep, personal reflection. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are also intended to be inspirational and joyful.

In order to capture what the High Holy Days were like, I asked members to write down what made Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur meaningful this year. The following responses remind us of the power of the Days of Awe to impact our lives:

I loved how the light shone through the windows during morning services. It’s not something I’ve seen usually during services and it added to the sense that this time, these holidays, are special.

The positiveness and energy bursting from the week – allowing to start afresh the New Year – in a reflective, deeper mode – hopefully.

The comforting feeling as one says the weaknesses, shortcomings, sins, ill intentions and other negative thoughts and action committed and knowing that it’s heard and forgiveness happens.

Rabbi’s sermon, “So We Started Up the Mountain” gave me reassurance in a difficult time as a millennial Jew. “Have Hope” reminded me we must continue to fight gun violence.

The feeling of closeness of everyone attending the services.

The High Holiday music was especially uplifting this year. “Heal Us Now” was the highest for me.

An awareness of the congregation’s (leaders & community’s) beauty – the great fondness I felt towards everyone throughout the journey.

The beginning of study and practice of Mussar in the early part of Elul created a more meaningful/deeper experience during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. A special time for me is singing in the choir and seeing the joy of the faces of the people.

The healing service was very meaningful and much needed. Our world is in desperate need of healing.

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